
  1. Managing multiple SSH keys for our accounts and projects could become challenging, and running the SSH CLI command with the secret key option every single time could also be tedious. Here's the clean and easy way to manage SSH keys by hosts.

  2. MethodChannel can be used to establish a connection between platform-specific APIs and Dart code. Today, let me introduce how to use Mockito to test a MethodCallHandler implementation which is called from the platform side.

  3. In Android development, Canvas can be used to draw custom views. If you would like to draw a smooth curve, you can use the bézier curve logic. Here is a simple example that displays how to draw a cubic bézier curve on Android.

  4. After initializing a git repository, the next step would be to set a git user name and email. You can do this by typing the git config command each time. But when we have multiple git profiles, it would be nice if we could manage them in a JSON format. Therefore, I decided to write a simple script to set up and/or switch a git user config with one command.

  5. The concept of the Clean Architecture could be somewhat nebulous for many of us as we learn structures such as MVC, MVP, MVVM, etc. Therefore, I read, studied, and contemplated trying to apprehend the concept better. Today, let me share my findings with quotes from Robert C. Martin.

  6. When we think about MVVM, the first thing that comes to our mind about the job of ViewModel is to fetch data from a model layer. I did some research on how to make the best use of ViewModel and encountered Architecture related classes such as Transformations and LiveData builder. Today, let me introduce some use cases of them with the app that calls TwitterAPI.

  7. The default look of the Mac Terminal and Linux Shell is simply black and white. So, let's make it a bit prettier and easier to read today.

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